Contact the Domaine de la Madone in Fleurie

Would you like more information about our services or Make an appointment? Contact us at or following form:

  • place
    1230 Route de la Madone 69820 Fleurie
  • access_time
    Cellar & Shop
    Open all year round.
    From April to November :
    Every day from 10h30 to 19h
    From December to March:
    Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 1pm to 6pm
    Saturday from 10:30am to 6pm
  • access_time
    Auberge :
    open from April to November
    Every day for lunch and dinner except Tuesday and Wednesday

If you do not wish to be a merchant by téléphone, you can register on the opposition list at démarchage téphonique.

If you do not wish to be solicited commercially by telephone, you can register on the list opposing telephone canvassing.

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